Wednesday 2 January 2013

Free Desktops Wallpaper

Free Desktops Wallpaper Details
Another advantage of the desktop is that (apart from environmental concerns) power consumption is not as critical as in laptop computers because the desktop is powered from the wall socket. Desktop computers also provide more space for heat to escape. The two large microprocessor manufacturers Intel and AMD develop special CPUs for mobile computers (i.e. laptops) that consume less power and lower heat, but with lower performance levels.
On the other hand, laptop computers offer portability that desktop systems can not due to their small form factor. Laptops also more commonly integrate wireless technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G, giving them a broader range of options for connecting to the internet, though this trend is changing as more desktop computers come integrated with one or more of these technologies.
A desktop computer needs a UPS to handle electrical disturbances like short interruptions, blackouts and spikes; achieving an on-battery time of more than 20-30 minutes for a desktop PC requires a large and expensive UPS. A laptop with sufficiently charged battery can continue to be used in case of a power outage and is not affected by short power interruptions and blackouts.
Free Desktops Wallpaper
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Free Desktops Wallpaper
Free Desktops Wallpaper
Free Desktops Wallpaper
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Free Desktops Wallpaper

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